Friday, September 26, 2008


Charlie is dropping knowledge bombs left and right, and, in doing so, using 17 words that I had to look up to get through the article.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Economic Trickery

Bush has done it again, dammit – fooled us good. That ol’ hound dog just loves trickying things up.

This time, he single-handedly – Rove was behind the curtains – kicked the shit out of the economy. Secretly orchestrating the “unfortunate” collapse of America’s banking infrastructure, Bush has set the stage for his final redemption.

You see, it takes an epic problem to produce an epic solution – this time, a “vital” 700 billion bailout that Bush, all by his maverickin’ lonesome, developed and now advocates. Only Bush – president, champion, man of the people – can rescue us.

Bush flushed our economy down the proverbial shitter so he could roll his sleeves up, trudge out to the septic field, and dig us up. Or at least drop a rope. Whether or not we climb, it seems, is left up to his impossibly doomed successor.

Perhaps Bush will save his legacy after all. Just don’t look too far to the right ‘cause you might see some massive, unruly piles of shit.

And yes, Ron Paul could fix this in seventeen minutes flat....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Math Tutorial

Palin + Gun > Hillary + [insert any liberal icon here]

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ron Paul

Ron Paul Is AMERICA. I will write his name on the ballot. You should do the same.

Excel Wizardry

Excel Wizardry Tip #1: To toggle between worksheets in a single Excel file, hold down the 'Ctrl' button and hit the 'Page Up' or 'Page Down' button.

More to come, my fellow cubicle monkeys.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Farewell to Freedom Tour -- Stage XIII

I'm Dusting This Bitch Off