Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Who would've guessed?

Well who would've guessed that Mr Lee would do what all Republicans do when they feel threatened or insulted? Squeezing it in between his hectic work schedule and his blossoming athletic career, Mr Lee found the time to question my patriotism. Apparantly my dislike for uncreative, middle-of-the-road faux microbrews equates to a hatred of America. Not true! I've downed enough PBRs and RoRos to last a lifetime. Why just the other day I was explaining to my roommate that one of life's forgotten pleasures is a cold can of Budweiser when watching a baseball game at the local VFW's July 4th BBQ.

No one supports the war against namby-pamby beers more than I! But clearly Mr Lee decided on war and then found an enemy! He has chosen to listen only to a small group of advisors and shunned any outside reports! He has alienated us from our European allies, though their experience has resulted in many a fine brew!

Mr Lee rushed into this war with no consideration of the consequences of hostile action. His lack of planning and his stubborn commitment to stay the course has resulted in countless wasted nights and tastebuds and unnecessary liver damage!

Mr Lee has tried to unite us behind Sam Adams but he has only divided us further! We must realize that there are other solutions before it is too late!


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